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It’s nothing new for Bigras – he was born during a flood in 1937 and has lived through many more since. 'He doesn't want to leave this place, he's born here and he wants to stay here,' his daughter Joanne said. 'You put the bags cross to try and stop the water from coming through, but it's pretty hard not to go through,' said Marc Charron, Bigras son-in-law. His daughter and son-in-law spent the day laying sandbags in anticipation of the third flood in six years here. On Thursday, many spent the day laying sandbags, preparing for the worst but hoping for the best.Įighty-four-year-old Raymon Bigras lives in Pointe-Gatineau. It is a far too familiar scene for many Gatineau residents who were hit hard during flooding in 20. Flood prep is underway in Gatineau as water levels along the Gatineau River are set to rise there are positive signs though even with more rain on the way.

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